joi, 28 iulie 2011 | By: ioana97

Cover reveal!

Afara, peste mari si tari:), s-a dezvaluit coperta continuarii uneia dintre seriile mele preferate si anume Whiter. Continuarea se numeste Fever si are minunatia asta de coperta:Si descrierea(in engleza momentan):
Rhine and Gabriel have escaped the mansion, but they’re still in danger. Outside, they find a world even more disquieting than the one they left behind. Determined to get to Manhattan and to find Rhine’s twin brother Rowan, the two press forward, amidst threats of being captured again . . . or worse. The road they are on is long and perilous—and in a world where young women only live to age 20 and men die at age 25, time is precious. In this sequel to Lauren DeStefano’s harrowing Wither, Rhine must decide if freedom is worth the price—now that she has more to lose than ever.

Mie una primul volum mi-a placut enorm(e sus de tot in topul cartilor mele preferate) si cand am auzit ca apare si la noi in Romania saream prin camera de fericire... Cel mai bine e cand poti sa citesti o carte care iti place in romaneste sau limba materna, daca traducerea e buna(parerea mea).
Si parerea voastra despre coperta?

2 comentarii:

RRoxana spunea...

E superba coperta! Mai frumoasa ca prima! Si da am auzit ca apare la Litera :D

Only Books spunea...

Foarte tare coperta!:x


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